Selected publications:
Ferreira, F., & Barker, M. (2024). Perceptual clauses as units of production in visual descriptions. [link]
Qiu, Z., Ferreira, F., & Morgan, E. (2023). Word Order and Adjacency in the Processing of Nested Epistemic Expressions. [link]
Beier, E., Cohn, M., Trammel, T., Ferreira, F., & Zellou, G. (2023). Prosodic focus marking for voice-AI and human addressees. [link]
Rehrig, G., Hayes, T. R., Henderson, J. M., & Ferreira, F. (2023). Visual attention during seeing for speaking in healthy aging. Psychology and aging, 38(1), 49. [link]
Barker, M., Rehrig, G., & Ferreira, F. (2023). Speakers prioritise affordance-based object semantics in scene descriptions. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1-23. [link]
Beier, E. J., Chantavarin, S., & Ferreira, F. (2023). Do disfluencies increase with age? Evidence from a sequential corpus study of disfluencies. Psychology and Aging. [link]
Qiu, Z., & Ferreira, F. (2022). “He May Certainly Have Forgotten”: Processing of Nested Epistemic Expressions. Discourse Processes, 59(8), 591-618. [link]
Rehrig, G., Barker, M., Peacock, C.E., Hayes, T.R., Henderson, J.M., Ferreira, F. (2022). Look at what I can do: Object affordances guide visual attention while speakers describe potential actions. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. [link]
Ferreira, F., & Dillon, B. (2022). Glossa Psycholinguistics: Open access by scholars, for scholars. Glossa Psycholinguistics, 1(1). [link]
Goldberg, A.E., & Ferreira, F. (2022). Good-enough language production. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26(4), 300-311. [link]
Çokal, D., Sturt, P., & Ferreira, F. (2021). Processing of discourse anaphors by L2 speakers of English. Dialogue & Discourse, 12(2), 38-80. [link]
Huang, Y., & Ferreira, F. (2021). What causes lingering misinterpretations of garden-path sentences: Incorrect syntactic representations or fallible memory processes? Journal of Memory and Language, 121, 104288. [link]
Ferreira, F., & Qiu, Z. (2021). Predicting syntactic structure. Brain Research, 1770, 147632. [link]
Ferreira, F. (2021). What is lost when we all sound the same. Science, 374(6571), 1060–1060. [link]
Rehrig, G., Cullimore, R. A., Henderson, J. M., & Ferreira, F. (2021). When more is more: Redundant modifiers can facilitate visual search. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6(1), 1-20. [pdf]
Beier, E. J., Chantavarin, S., Rehrig, G., Ferreira, F., & Miller, L. M. (2021). Cortical Tracking of Speech: Toward Collaboration between the Fields of Signal and Sentence Processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(4), 574-593. [pdf]
Karimi, H., Diaz, M., & Ferreira, F. (2021). Misspoken words affect the perception and retrieval of intended words. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36(2), 135-151. [pdf]
Rehrig, G., Hayes, T. R., Henderson, J. M., & Ferreira, F. (2020). When scenes speak louder than words: Verbal encoding does not mediate the relationship between scene meaning and visual attention. Memory & Cognition, 1-15. doi:10.3758/s13421-020-01050-4 [pdf]
Beier, E.J., Janata, P., Hulbert, J.C., & Ferreira, F. (2020). “Do You Chill When I Chill? A Cross-Cultural Study of Strong Emotional Responses to Music.” Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, doi:10.1037/aca0000310. [pdf]
Rehrig, G., Peacock, C.E., Hayes, T.R., Henderson, J.M., & Ferreira, F. (2020). “Where the Action Could Be: Speakers Look at Graspable Objects and Meaningful Scene Regions When Describing Potential Actions.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2020, doi:10.1037/xlm0000837. [pdf]
Ferreira, F. (2020). “In Defense of the Passive Voice.” American Psychologist, doi:10.1037/amp0000620. [pdf]
Huang, Y., & Ferreira, F. (2020) “The Application of Signal Detection Theory to Acceptability Judgments.” Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 11, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00073. [pdf]
Lowder, M. W., Maxfield, N. D., & Ferreira, F. (2020). Processing of self-repairs in stuttered and non-stuttered speech. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1-13. [pdf]
Dahan, D., & Fernanda, F. (2019). “Language Comprehension: Insights from Research on Spoken Language.” Human Language: from Genes and Brains to Behavior, by Peter Hagoort, MIT Press, pp. 21–33. [pdf]
Blott, L. M., Rodd, J. M., Ferreira, F., & Warren, J. (2019). Recovery from misinterpretations during online sentence processing. [pdf]
Karimi, H., Brothers, T., & Ferreira, F. (2019). Phonological versus semantic prediction in focus and repair constructions: No evidence for differential predictions. Cognitive psychology, 112, 25-47. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Yang, Z. (2019). The Problem of Comprehension in Psycholinguistics. Discourse Processes, 1–11. [pdf]
Karimi, H., Diaz, M., & Ferreira, F. (2019). “A cruel king” is not the same as “a king who is cruel”: Modifier position affects how words are encoded and retrieved from memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Rehrig, G. (2019). Linearisation during language production: evidence from scene meaning and saliency maps. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1–11. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Chantavarin, S. (2018). Integration and Prediction in Language Processing: A Synthesis of Old and New. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(6), 443–448. [pdf]
Dave, S., Brothers, T. A., Traxler, M.J., Ferreira, F., Henderson, J. M., Swaab, T. Y. (2018). Electrophysiological evidence for preserved primacy of lexical prediction in aging. Neuropsychologia 117, 135-147. [pdf]
Lowder, M. W., Choi, W. , Ferreira, F. and Henderson, J. M. (2018), Lexical Predictability During Natural Reading: Effects of Surprisal and Entropy Reduction. Cogn Sci, 42: 1166-1183. [pdf]
Beier, E. J., Ferreira, F. The temporal prediction of stress in speech and its relation to musical beat perception. (2018). Frontiers in psychology, 9, 431. [pdf]
Lowder, M. W., Ferreira, F. I See What You Meant to Say: Anticipating Speech Errors During Online Sentence Processing. (2018). Psychology Faculty Publications, 68. [pdf]
Maxfeild, N. D., Ferreira, F. Backward-looking sentence processing in typically disfluent versus stuttered speech: ERP evidence. (2019). Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 34(5), 561–579. [pdf]
Henderson, J. M., Hayes, T. R., Rehrig, G., Ferreira, F. Meaning guides attention during real-world scene description (2018). Scientific Reports, 8. [pdf]
Thompson, D., Fernanda, F., Scheepers, C. (2018). One Step at a Time: Representational Overlap Between Active Voice, Be-passive, and Get-passive Forms in English. Journal of Cognition, 1(1): 35, pp. 1–24. [pdf]
Karimi, H., Swaab, T. Y., Ferreira, F. Electrophysiological evidence for an independent effect of memory retrieval on referential processing. (2018). Journal of Memory and Language, 102, 68-82. [pdf]
Çokal, D., Sturt, P., & Ferreira, F. (2018). Processing of it and this in written narrative discourse. Discourse Processes, 55:3, 272-289. [pdf]
Choi, W., Lowder, M. W., Ferreira, F., Swaab, T. Y., & Henderson, J. M. (2017). Effects of word predictability and preview lexicality on eye movements during reading: A comparison between young and older adults. Psychology and Aging. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Nigg, J. T., & Ferreira, F. (2017). Executive function and intelligence in the resolution of temporary syntactic ambiguity: An individual differences investigation. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 1263-1281. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Lowder, M. W. (2016). Prediction, information structure, and good-enough language processing. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 65, 217–247. [pdf]
Lowder, M. W., & Ferreira, F. (2016). Prediction in the processing of repair disfluencies: Evidence from the visual-world paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42, 1400-1416. [pdf]
Henderson, J. M., Choi, W., Lowder, M. W., & Ferreira, F. (2016). Language structure in the brain: A fixation-related fMRI study of syntactic surprisal in reading. NeuroImage, 132, 293-300. [pdf]
Karimi, H., & Ferreira, F. (2016). Informativity renders a referent more accessible: Evidence from eyetracking. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 507-525. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., & Ferreira, F. (2016). Reaching sentence and reference meaning. In P. Knoeferle, P. Pyykkonen-Klauck, & M. W. Crocker (Eds.), Visually situated language comprehension (pp. 127-150). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Karimi, H., & Ferreira, F. (2016). Good-enough linguistic representations and online cognitive equilibrium in language processing. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 1013-1040. [pdf]
Clifton, C. Jr., Ferreira, F., Henderson, J. M., Inhoff, A. W., Liversedge, S. P., Reichle, E. D., & Schotter, E. R. (2016). Eye movements in reading and information processing: Keith Rayner’s 40 year legacy. Journal of Memory and Language, 86, 1-19. [pdf]
Husband, E. M., & Ferreira, F. (2016). The role of selection in the comprehension of focus alternatives. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 31, 217-235. [pdf]
Lowder, M. W., & Ferreira, F. (2016). Prediction in the processing of repair disfluencies. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 31, 73-79. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Çokal, D. (2015). Sentence processing. In G. Hickok & S. L. Small (Eds.), Neurobiology of language (pp. 265-274). Academic Press.
Choi, W., Lowder, M. W., Ferreira, F., & Henderson, J. M. (2015). Individual differences in the perceptual span during reading: Evidence from the moving window technique. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77, 2463-2475. [pdf]
Luke, S. G., Henderson, J. M., & Ferreira, F. (2015). Children’s eye-movements during reading reflect the quality of lexical representations: An individual differences approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41, 1675-1683. <<Link to pdf removed due to a DMCA takedown request from the American Psychological Association>>
Ferreira, F., & Karimi, H. (2015). Prosody, performance, and cognitive skill: Evidence from individual differences. In L. Frazier & E. Gibson (Eds.), Explicit and implicit prosody in sentence processing: Studies in honor of Janet Dean Fodor (pp. 119-132). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., & Ferreira, F. (2014). Do speakers articulate over-described modifiers differently from modifiers that are required by context? Implications for models of reference production. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 29, 975-985. [pdf]
Karimi, H., Fukumura, K., Ferreira, F., & Pickering, M. J. (2014). The effect of noun phrase length on the form of referring expressions. Memory & Cognition, 42, 993-1009. [pdf]
Çokal, D., Sturt, P., & Ferreira, F. (2014). Deixis: This and that in written narrative discourse. Discourse Processes, 51, 201-229. [pdf]
Ludke, K. M., Ferreira, F., & Overy, K. (2014). Singing can facilitate foreign language learning. Memory & Cognition, 42, 41-52. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Nigg, J. T., & Ferreira, F. (2013). Is the fluency of language outputs related to individual differences in intelligence and executive function. Acta Psychologica, 144, 424-432. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., Foucart, A., & Engelhardt, P. E. (2013). Language processing in the visual world: Effects of preview, visual complexity, and prediction. Journal of Memory and Language, 69, 165-182. [pdf]
Slattery, T. J., Sturt, P., Christianson, K., Yoshida, M., & Ferreira, F. (2013). Lingering misinterpretations of garden path sentences arise from competing syntactic representations. Journal of Memory and Language, 69, 104-120. [pdf]
Thompson, D., Ling, S. P., Myachykov, A., Ferreira, F., & Scheepers, C. (2013). Patient-related constraints on get- and be-passive uses in English: Evidence from paraphrasing. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 848. [pdf]
Ferreira, F. (2013). The PDC framework applied to prosody and disfluency. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 232. [pdf]
Apel, J. K., Henderson, J. M., & Ferreira, F. (2012). Targeting regressions: Do readers pay attention to the left? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19, 1108-1113. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Veld, S. N. Nigg, J. T., & Ferreira, F. (2012). Are language production problems apparent in adults who no longer meet diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29, 275-299. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Demiral, S. B., & Ferreira, F. (2011). Over-specified referring expressions impair comprehension: An ERP study. Brain and Cognition, 77, 304-314. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Ferreira, F., & Nigg, J. T. (2011). Language production strategies and disfluencies in multi-clause network descriptions: A study of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Neuropsychology, 25, 442-453. [pdf]
Andersson, R., Ferreira, F., & Henderson, J. M. (2011). I see what you’re saying: The integration of complex speech and scenes during language comprehension. Acta Psychologica, 137, 208-216. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., & Ferreira, F. (2010). Processing coordination ambiguity. Language and Speech, 53, 494-509. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Corley, M., Nigg, J. T., & Ferreira, F. (2010). The role of inhibition in the production of disfluencies. Memory & Cognition, 38, 617-628. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Ferreira, F., & Patsenko, E. G. (2010). Pupillometry reveals processing load during spoken language comprehension. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 639-645. [pdf]
Christianson, K., Luke, S. G., & Ferreira, F. (2010). Effects of plausibility on structural priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36, 538-544. [pdf]
Fang, R., Chai, J. Y., & Ferreira, F. (2009). Between linguistic attention and gaze fixations in multimodal conversational interfaces. In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), 143-150. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Ferreira, F., & Nigg, J. T. (2009). Priming sentence production in adolescents and adults with attention-deficit/hyper-activity disorder. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37, 995-1006. [pdf]
Patson, N. D., & Ferreira, F. (2009). Conceptual plural information is used to guide early parsing decisions: Evidence from garden-path sentences with reciprocal verbs. Journal of Memory and Language, 60, 464-486. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., Engelhardt, P. E., & Jones, M. W. (2009). Good enough language processing: A satisficing approach. In N. Taatgen, H. Rijn, J. Nerbonne, & L. Schomaker (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 413-418). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. [pdf]
Patson, N. D., Darowski, E. S., Moon, N., & Ferreira, F. (2009). Lingering misinterpretations in garden-path sentences: Evidence from a paraphrasing task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 35, 280-285. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., Apel, J., & Henderson, J. M. (2008). Taking a new look at looking at nothing. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12, 405-410. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Nigg, J. T., Carr, L. A., & Ferreira, F. (2008). Cognitive inhibition and working memory in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117, 591-605. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Xiang, M., & Ferreira, F. (2008). Anticipatory eye movemets mediated by word-order constraints. In B. C. Love, K. McRae, & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 951-957). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. [pdf]
Swets, B., Desmet, T., Clifton, C., Jr., & Ferreira, F. (2008). Underspecification of syntactic ambiguities: Evidence from self-paced reading. Memory & Cognition, 36, 201-216. [pdf]
Ferreira, F. (2007). Prosody and performance in language production. Language and Cognitive Processes, 22, 1151-1177. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Tanenhaus, M. K. (2007). Introduction to the special issue on language-vision interactions. Journal of Memory and Language, 57, 455-459. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Patson, N. D. (2007). The ‘good enough’ approach to language comprehension. Language and Linguistics Compass, 1, 71-83. [pdf]
Swets, B., Desmet, T., Hambrick, D. Z., & Ferreira, F. (2007). The role of working memory in syntactic ambiguity resolution: A psychometric approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 136, 64-81. [pdf]
Bailey, K. G. D., & Ferreira, F. (2007). The processing of filled pause disfluencies in the visual world. In R. P. G. van Gompel, M. H. Fischer, W. S. Murray, & R. L. Hill (Eds.), Eye movements: A window on mind and brain (pp. 485-500). Oxford, UK: Elsevier. [pdf]
Christianson, K., Williams, C. C., Zacks, R. T., & Ferreira, F. (2006). Younger and older adults’ “good-enough” interpretations of garden-path sentences. Discourse Processes, 42, 205-238. [pdf]
Engelhardt, P. E., Bailey, K. G. D., & Ferreira, F. (2006). Do speakers and listeners observe the Gricean Maxim of Quantity? Journal of Memory and Language, 54, 554-573. [pdf]
Christianson, K., & Ferreira, F. (2005). Conceptual accessibility and sentence production in a free word order language (Odawa). Cognition, 98, 105-135. [pdf]
Lau, E. F., & Ferreira, F. (2005). Lingering effects of disfluent material on comprehension of garden path sentences. Language and Cognitive Processes, 20, 633-666. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Swets, B. (2005). The production and comprehension of resumptive pronouns in relative clause “island” contexts. In A. Cutler (Ed.), Twenty-first century psycholinguistics: Four cornerstones (pp. 263-278). Mahway, New Jersey: Erlbaum. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., Lau, E. F., & Bailey, K. G. D. (2004). Disfluencies, language comprehension, and tree adjoining grammars. Cognitive Science, 28, 721-749. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Bailey, K. G. D. (2004). Disfluencies and human language comprehension. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8, 231-237. [pdf]
Ferreira, F. (2003). The misinterpretation of noncanonical sentences. Cognitive Psychology, 47, 164-203. [pdf]
Bailey, K. G. D., & Ferreira, F. (2003). Disfluencies affect the parsing of garden-path sentences. Journal of Memory and Language, 49, 183-200. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., Bailey, K. G. D., & Ferraro, V. (2002). Good-enough representations in language comprehension. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 11-15. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Swets, B. (2002). How incremental is language production? Evidence from the production of utterances requiring the computation of arithmetic sums. Journal of Memory and Language, 46, 57-84. [pdf]
Christianson, K., Hollingworth, A., Halliwell, J. F., & Ferreira, F. (2001). Thematic roles assigned along the garden path linger. Cognitive Psychology, 42, 368-407. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., Christianson, K., & Hollingworth, A. (2001). Misinterpretations of garden-path sentences: Implications for models of sentence processing and reanalysis. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 30, 3-20. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., Henderson, J. M., Anes, M. D., Weeks, P. A., Jr., & McFarlane, D. K. (1996). Effects of lexical frequency and syntactic complexity in spoken-language comprehension: Evidence from the auditory moving-window technique. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 22, 324-335. [pdf]
Ferreira, F. (1994). Choice of passive voice is affected by verb type and animacy. Journal of Memory and Language, 33, 715-736. [pdf]
Ferreira, F. (1993). Creation of prosody during sentence production. Psychological Review, 100, 233-253. [pdf]
Henderson, J. M., & Ferreira, F. (1993). Eye movement control during reading: Fixation measures reflect foveal but not parafoveal processing difficulty. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 47, 201-221. [pdf]
Ferreira, F. (1991). Effects of length and syntactic complexity on initiation times for prepared utterances. Journal of Memory and Language, 30, 210-233. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Henderson, J. M. (1991). Recovery from misanalyses of garden-path sentences. Journal of Memory and Language, 30, 725-745. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Henderson, J. M. (1990). Use of verb information in syntactic parsing: Evidence from eye movements and word-by-word self-paced reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 16, 555-568. [pdf]
Henderson, J. M., & Ferreira, F. (1990). Effects of foveal processing difficulty on the perceptual span in reading: Implications for attention and eye movement control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 16, 417-429. [pdf]
Ferreira, F., & Clifton, C., Jr. (1986). The independence of syntactic processing. Journal of Memory and Language, 25, 348-368. [pdf]
Singer, M., & Ferreira, F. (1983). Inferring consequences in story comprehension. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 22, 437-448. [pdf]